Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Providing Reasons To Smile

Do you want a dentist that is not only going to give you a brighter, healthier smile, but will also give you a reason to smile through the process?

Of course! Then you must come visit Dr. Anna Pelak, Dentist Yorkville, and the team at Total Dentistry. 

What makes this Dentist Yorkville so special is that Total Dentistry is a full-service practice. From the outstanding customer service and personalized care that each patient receives, to the advanced technologies utilized in each appointment, patients are always blown away by the high quality dental care they receive. 

At Total Dentistry, Dr. Pelak and staff are dedicated to "dental health care" vs. "disease care". The talented dentists at this practice believe that it is important to provide the most thorough exams and keeping updated dental histories, so that each patient has their healthiest smile at all times. Dr. Pelak knows that patients are happiest when they feel their best, and this comes down to preventative dental care, instead of fixing dental issues once they arise. 

Dr. Pelak and the staff at Total Dentistry work to ensure that each patient feels fully comfortable throughout their appointment. This Dentist Yorkville takes the time to fully explain the options that are available to her patients and then discusses with them which dental plan will best fit into their life and fulfill their needs. Personalized dental care is not only important, but is the standard at Total Dentistry. 

Total Dentistry has been able to serve so many patients throughout the years because the staff is equipped with a full variety of services for patients of all ages. Dr. Anna Pelak, Dentist Yorkville, and this talented team can offer patients a multitude of ways to give them the healthier, brighter smile they have always wanted. 

Come visit your Dentist Yorkville & the staff at Total Dentistry today to make an appointment... They're in the business of making people smile! And their personalized approach makes every patient smile from start to finish! 

Blog maintained by Identity Dental Marketing

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Higher Standard

These days, doesn't it seem that too many companies offer their customers the moon and fail to keep their promises?

Dr. Anna Pelak, Dentist Yorkville, and the talented team at Total Dentistry offer their patients a full-service dental practice...and they deliver! At Total Dentistry, this team of dentists understands the importance of offering an extensive variety of services and advanced technologies to fulfill each of their patients differing needs and concerns. 

In addition, what sets this Dentist Yorkville apart is that she takes the time to talk with patients, listening to their specific needs and explaining the dental care options that are available to them. Dr. Pelak enjoys working with her patients to make sure that they are comfortable with their dental care plans and what is happening during their appointments. At Total Dentistry, providing a positive and pleasant environment is just as important to this team of dentists as services they provide to give their patients healthier smiles. 

Total Dentistry is proud to be able to give patients the most advanced technologies and dental services available. Dentist Yorkville and this extraordinary team of dentists knows that keeping up to date with technological advances and services is the best way to take care of their patients, because technology offers faster, more efficient ways to attend to dental issues. 

Providing patients with the highest standard of dental care is of the utmost importance. Dr. Anna Pelak, Dentist Yorkville, understands that personalized dental care planning, is just as valuable to patient satisfaction as the services that are utilized to give patients their healthier and brighter smiles. 

The team at Total Dentistry is in the business of making people smile... Contact your Dentist Yorkville today to make an appointment to receive your brighter, healthier smile, and highest standard of patient care. 

Blog maintained by Identity Dental Marketing 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Seeing Red

Seeing Red: How Your Office’s Color Palette Could be Affecting Your Business

When looking for a dentist in Yorkville, patients may never think that the color palette of the office space may affect their decision, but studies have shown that different colors can trigger specific emotions and, ultimately, influence their decisions. The colors that a dentist in Yorkville chooses to use will ultimately influence the ways in which his/her business is portrayed, what kind of patients it attracts and retains, and even how you are branded—it will affect how people think of your practice. The colors you choose for your office project a certain kind of image—good for bad, and, certainly, you want patients to get a “good vibe” about you and your practice.
In addition to the affect it will have on your patients, the aesthetics of your office will also affect staff morale and, eventually, the dentists in charge of the practice. The first questions to ask when choosing a color for the office space are, “What kind of message am I trying to send about the practice, and what kind of patients are we trying to attract?” Colors have emotional impacts and send subtle, or not-so-subtle, messages:
Red—at the end of the visible spectrum of light, and commonly associated with love, passion, danger, and sometimes, courage, negativity, or, even, danger.
Yellow – associated with friendship, optimism, imagination, curiosity, but sometimes with caution or cowardice
Blue—as the color of the ocean, it has been associated with calmness and serenity, but also with loyalty, fidelity, sincerity, expertise, magic, and even Conservatism.
Green-the color of Mother Nature, health, harmony, equilibrium and youth
Purple – the color of teamwork, collaboration, creativity and royalty
Brown – the soil, the earth, trust, richness, honesty
Gold – investment, quality
Silver – Respect, stability, prestige
When a potential patient is looking for a dentist in Palatine, or a dentist in Yorkville, they can look at the color pallet and attain a generally good idea of what image the practice is trying to portray. Most doctor offices are blue, as that has been proven to be psychologically soothing and calming. And while the colors are indeed important, they should be complementary to the rest of the branding put forth. A dentist in Yorkville should not rely solely on the color of the office space to retain patients. Other ways to ensure a calming, stress-free experience for patients includes staff demeanor and attitude, amenities offered, office layout, etc.
Blog maintained by: Identity Dental Marketing

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Periodontal Disease

Dr. Pelak

Periodontal disease. What is it. What does it mean? Periodontal means “around the tooth. The disease attacks the bone that is supporting your teeth, as well as the gums. Plaque can buildup in your teeth and cause tartar. If not removed, the gums and bone will be destroyed says dentist Yorkville.

How do I know if I have this disease? If you see red, swollen, and bleeding gums this is a strong indication that you may have the disease says the dentist in Yorkville.

There are also other signs and symptoms of periodontal disease. Here are some examples.

-       Loose teeth
-       New spacing between teeth
-       Constant bad breath
-       Pus around teeth and gums
-       Receding gums
-       Red and puffy gums
-       Tenderness and discomfort of gums

If you experience any of these symptoms call the dentist in Yorkville immediately!


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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How Can Dental Implants Benefit You?

Anyone who has missing, or misshaped teeth knows what it feels like to go out in public. It feels like everyone is staring at you. It makes you feel embarrassed. It makes you uncomfortable. Dental Implants are the solution. A Dental Implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dr. Pelak dentist in Yorkville has many years practicing with dental implants. She says that dental implants are an ideal option for people in good general oral health who have lost a tooth or teeth from disease, injury, or some other reason. Dental implants can replace teeth without affecting other teeth, support a bridge and eliminate the need for a removable partial denture, and provide support for a denture. Overall, dental implants can not only improve your smile, but they can improve your confidence as well!



BEFORE Dental Implant                    AFTER Dental Implant
Dentists Yorkville                                Dentist in Yorkville Illinois

Posted by Identity Dental Marketing

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dentist in Yorkville, IL

Dentist in Yorkville, Dr. Anna Pelak of Total Dentistry has created an office centered on patient care.  From the moment we first speak with a new patient until the completion of their treatment, we aim to make their experience as pleasant as possible.

We have a specialized team of dentists, office assistants, dental assistants and insurance specialists to assist you every step of the way.  We understand that dentistry can seem complicated, dentists can recommend different treatment options and trust is essential.

During your first meeting with the dentist in Yorkville, Dr. Pelak, you'll notice that she is kind and takes the time to listen to your concerns.

We invite you in for a visit.  We also offer sedation dentistry for our fearful or sensitive patients.

Dentist in Yorkville, Illinois
Dentist in Palatine, Illinois

Blog managed by: Identity Dental Marketing

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