Thursday, August 16, 2012

Seeing Red

Seeing Red: How Your Office’s Color Palette Could be Affecting Your Business

When looking for a dentist in Yorkville, patients may never think that the color palette of the office space may affect their decision, but studies have shown that different colors can trigger specific emotions and, ultimately, influence their decisions. The colors that a dentist in Yorkville chooses to use will ultimately influence the ways in which his/her business is portrayed, what kind of patients it attracts and retains, and even how you are branded—it will affect how people think of your practice. The colors you choose for your office project a certain kind of image—good for bad, and, certainly, you want patients to get a “good vibe” about you and your practice.
In addition to the affect it will have on your patients, the aesthetics of your office will also affect staff morale and, eventually, the dentists in charge of the practice. The first questions to ask when choosing a color for the office space are, “What kind of message am I trying to send about the practice, and what kind of patients are we trying to attract?” Colors have emotional impacts and send subtle, or not-so-subtle, messages:
Red—at the end of the visible spectrum of light, and commonly associated with love, passion, danger, and sometimes, courage, negativity, or, even, danger.
Yellow – associated with friendship, optimism, imagination, curiosity, but sometimes with caution or cowardice
Blue—as the color of the ocean, it has been associated with calmness and serenity, but also with loyalty, fidelity, sincerity, expertise, magic, and even Conservatism.
Green-the color of Mother Nature, health, harmony, equilibrium and youth
Purple – the color of teamwork, collaboration, creativity and royalty
Brown – the soil, the earth, trust, richness, honesty
Gold – investment, quality
Silver – Respect, stability, prestige
When a potential patient is looking for a dentist in Palatine, or a dentist in Yorkville, they can look at the color pallet and attain a generally good idea of what image the practice is trying to portray. Most doctor offices are blue, as that has been proven to be psychologically soothing and calming. And while the colors are indeed important, they should be complementary to the rest of the branding put forth. A dentist in Yorkville should not rely solely on the color of the office space to retain patients. Other ways to ensure a calming, stress-free experience for patients includes staff demeanor and attitude, amenities offered, office layout, etc.
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